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White Cane Day – October 15th

We also want to draw attention to the fact that Sunday is White Cane Day, which since 1964 has been celebrated annually on October 15th around the world. The purpose of the day is to inform about the importance of the white cane and several organizations and associations highlight on this day the obstacles that visually impaired people face in their everyday lives.


LVI America's Kimberly Cline will, together with Christal Vision, attend Austin´s White Cane Day Celebration on Wednesday, October 18th between 10 am to 2:00 pm. It will be held at Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, 1100 W. 45th Street Austin. Welcome to meet us there!


For more information about Austin´s White Cane Day Celebration read here. 

Collage with images of a man walking with a white cane.