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Meet Ethan Thiseth – making the Grade Using the MagniLink TAB!


Ethan Thiseth using the MagniLink TAB in school

During the Summer 2019, Kimberly Cline at LVI America had the privilege of meeting Ethan Thiseth from North Dakota. He was enjoying his summer, but he took some time out to test drive our newest product the MagniLink TAB.

Kimberly could tell right away what a unique young man Ethan is. He learned how to use the TAB very quickly and was excited to use this new technology to successfully start middle school. Ethan is in 6th grade, and he successfully uses the MagniLink TAB daily in his core classes at Carl Ben Eielson Middle School.

Kimberly recently spoke to Ethan, and he shared how easy it is to participate in his math, reading and science classes since he can use the distance camera on the TAB to effectively see the board and follow-along with the rest of the class as the teacher is introducing new concepts and reviewing with the students. He can even take a picture of the board if he needs to keep the information for review, or he can video tape an important presentation that is happening during class. Since the TAB is based on a Microsoft Surface Pro, Ethan is also able to take notes in class and look up information on the web with the rest of the class. 

Ethan benefits from the portability of the TAB and can move it from class to class. In the past, he has had a large CCTV which didn’t allow him the portability he needed for middle school. He can also take the TAB home during Christmas break. This will allow him to continue to use the features on the TAB such as OCR, doing research on his favorite things, and being ready to take on the world!

We are so happy to report Ethan is currently getting A’s & B’s in his classes. We are so proud of him and the awesome job he is doing!

See a video about the MagniLink TAB
Read more about MagniLink TAB