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Get inspired by Jacki Jones

– Written by Kimberly Cline, Director of Sales LVI America


Two pictures. One of Jacki outside with her cane and then a close-up of Jacki.


A few months ago, I met the most incredible person, and her name is Jacki Jones!


I was so impressed with Jacki, that I asked her to be part of our March webinar series where we are focused on education. Jacki is currently getting her Associate Degree in Nutrition with a Certification in Culinary Cuisine.


When she graduates, she plans to work with people with low vision and blindness to help with their organizational skills, food preparation and educate them on how to eat to achieve a healthier lifestyle. She is always thinking about how she can assist others in improving their lives.


Another thing that stood out to me about Jacki is her positive attitude no matter what comes her way in life.  She doesn’t let anything set her back, including Covid-19. She recently shared something, that was so amazing to me.  She stays motivated to continue to push herself further day after day, by telling herself never give up on the person that you have been put on this earth to be. Also, don’t forget the people that are in your presence and in your future who you were meant to inspire. Well Jacki definitely inspires me! 


Jacki was diagnosed with Glaucoma about 19 years ago, but not until recently did her sight take a turn for the worse. I will let her share the rest of her story on our webinar Living with Low Vision – Take Me to School. We are hosting this webinar on March 23rd at 1:00 p.m. EST. 


During the webinar, Jacki will share her secrets to success and discuss how she uses the MagniLink TAB for her schoolwork and to attend college remotely.  She also uses the TAB to work remotely as a correspondent lending purchaser where she reviews documents to sell the loans to lenders after the loan has closed with escrow.


Jacki appears to have fun even amidst the challenges she comes across in life. She even received her mobility training in her 4-inch heels. I look forward to her sharing that story and many others as she shares her life journey with us. You will want to register today, so you can be inspired by Jacki too. Register Today!