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PCViewer update

Updated MagniLink PCViewer


MagniLink PCViewerTM is an innovative software for Windows based PCs that is used to display the image from a MagniLink video magnifier. The software controls the reading camera’s features, such as magnification, artificial colours and brightness, and provides the user with the facility to make individual adjustments for the best possible experience.


The following features have been implemented in the latest version,, of MagniLink PCViewerTM

  • Stepless rotation
  • Presets also saves artificial colors, rotations and more
  • Possible to use keyboard to zoom and pan in notepad
  • Rotations in notepad
  • Possible to make hotkeys global
  • Active camera and splitmode is saved
  • Animation when switching split mode


In addition, numerous buggfixes are added. Read more about PCViewer or download the latest version here.


A girl in a class room uses a MagniLink S video magnifier connected to a computer with the software MagniLink PCViewer to see whats in a math book.