MagniLink TAB Software Update
The new version of the TAB software will be released from January 10, 2022. TAB devices connected to the internet will gradually be updated automatically in the following days

The update includes new features, performance improvements, and bug fixes which are highlighted below:
- Feature to toggle directly to the Notepad has been implemented (Two fingers to toggle between camera/Notepad)
- A freeze function has been implemented and can be controlled from the menu, keyboard, and gestures.
- Improved support for Windows Narrator
- The function ”Read commands” has been improved
- Default color scheme has been changed to black and white (Color scheme can be changed in Settings)
- The reading speed for Text-to-Speech has been increased up to 250
- Changed icons for ”Save document” and ”Open document”
- The button ”Back” will always take you back to ”Live camera”
- Bug when running ZoomText or SuperNova has been fixed
- Bug when using mouse pointer on the zoom buttons has been fixed
- The Notepad is updated with::
- Improved support for Windows Narrator
- PDF documents can now be opened
- Possible to change size of buttons and side panel
- Button to create an empty picture
- Button to remove the current picture
- Buttons to add text and change font are merged into one
- Added 3 different text font styles
- PDF is now the default format for saving
Learn more about MagniLink TAB!